Friday, August 24, 2007

The Truth About Budgeting

Since going on the plan by Dave Ramsey and developing a Budget every month, our family has experienced greater freedom, and as Dave says, it feels like we received a raise.

Too many families find themselves in great financial trouble because they don't take the time to develop a Budget. I used to think that a budget had to be "perfect", as well as laid out for the entire year, but have since come to realize that the farthest ahead we can predict with any sense of accuracy is 1 month. Even then, it may not be exact, yet the discipline of doing a budget is one of the greatest things we have done for our family.

Dave Ramsey writes:
"The dreaded "B" word. Budget. The only other word that starts with "B" that might generate a worse reaction in most people is the word bankruptcy. Unfortunately, the word budget has gotten a bum rap. It is basically just a plan. When you budget, you're spending on paper, on purpose, before the month begins. But many people view a budget as a straight jacket that keeps them constrained. Freedom and budget just don't seem to go together.

However, when you see that a budget is just spending your money with intention, you'll actually experience more freedom than before. Many people say they found even more money when they created a realistic budget and stuck with it."

The Bible tells us: Proverbs 22:7 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

If you find yourself "hopelessly" in debt, rest assured there is an answer for you. It is not a "magic pill" and it won't happen overnight, but for most people who go on the plan are debt free within 2-3 years, except for their house. This is not a guarantee of course, because there is no way to predict how intense people will be, but this has helped our family in great ways, and I encourage you to take a look for yourself and see the benefits of this great plan!

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