Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Sleeping Organist

Hannah, country church organist for many years, had taken to falling asleep during the sermon. As she was loved by all, this fault was easily overlooked. Besides, the position of the organ at the east end of the platform kept her pretty much away from the congregation’s normal line of vision.

One Sunday as the sermon was building to a climax, the minister swung his arm forcefully and cried: “Look to the East!” The congregation, following his gesture, gasped and then chuckled softly. There sat Hannah, head back and mouth open, sleeping the sleep of the innocent. The minister regained his composure and concluded his message with equal poise. Hannah awoke at her usual time and played the closing hymn, forever unaware of what had happened.

—Albert Savignana, Jr. Edwardsville, PA. Christian Reader, “Lite Fare.”

Reading the humorous story above reminds of a very funny video clip from the Mr. Bean series on his trip to church. I recommend you do not "try this at church", especially during Pastors Appreciation Month. Check it out below:

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