Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Without Folds"

Spiros Zodhiates writes...

There is a significant word in the Greek New Testament which is
used to describe a person who truly exhibits sincerity in their
Christian life. The word is haplotes, which literally means
without folds. This is best illustrated by examining a simple
sheet of paper. As you fold down the edges or if you were to
crumple the page, you will notice that in trying to straighten it
out, there is still evidence which is permanently ingrained into
the texture of the paper.

A person that is truly sincere will have evidences of “no folds.”
In the New Testament, this type of person is described as
faithful, pure and benevolent (Eph. 6:5; Col 3:22). Also, it is
used to describe a generous giver who has no ulterior motives (2
Cor. 9:13). Are you a person “without folds” in your character? In
the workplace, are you the type of worker who respects authority
for the right reasons? When God looks at you does He see your

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